
Welcome to our group website


EGEL’s research places emphasis on the fundamental understanding of geo-materials, coupled thermo-hydro-bio-chemo-mechanically processes and emergent phenomena, with advanced applications for the energy sector. Our approach is based on elegant experimental designs (with extensive instrumentation and monitoring), complemented with simple but robust analytical solutions and numerical simulations.

The conditions at KAUST are exceptional. Our secure campus is a “live and work” community in a beautiful setting on the Red Sea and is home to over 5000 professionals, students, academics, and their families. From an academic perspective, KAUST has unrivaled research facilities, world-renowned academics, and already has the fastest growing citation record in the world.

If you are visiting our website as a potential KAUST applicant, we can confidently say that the KAUST experience is a truly unique opportunity for brilliant PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows who share the dream to make a difference in our field and in the world. Please do explore the KAUST Admissions website and KAUST Faculty page for further details. 

Kind regards,

C. Santamarina