EGEL Research


Our research addresses the greatest global challenge humanity has faced: energy (and associated environmental implications). The central context is petroleum, with a focal theme of flow. But, we use our knowledge to contribute to other energy related themes, including: CO2 geological storage, hydrate bearing sediments (including C02-CH4 replacement), energy geo-storage for renewables. Our ability to impact various aspects of the energy challenge reflects the fact that there are many common underlying needs (understanding the geoplumbing of the subsurface), common processes (such as coupled THCM processes, repetitive loading, bifurcations of all kinds), and common technological difficulties (e.g. wells).

A sustainable global energy system must be focused on quality of life:

- Reduce energy consumption in the developed world while maintaining quality of life
- Increase quality of life in the developing nations without following the energy-demanding approach the developed world has taken.

Research Themes

Fractured Rock 
Sensing and Characterization

Pore-scale studies

Repetitive Loading​


In-situ characterization

Reactive Flow 

Soil Classification 



Drilling Fluids 

Soil Database

Intact Rock

Onshore/OffShore Observatory