Qi Liu

Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Scientists

Research Scientist


Research Interests

Complex flow in porous and fractured media: multi-phase flow, particle laden flow

Nanofluids: nanoparticle-coated interfaces, nanoparticle-mineral interactions


Implications in energy-geosytems: wellbore drilling and completion, oil recovery

Selected Publications

Q. Liu, Z. Sun and J.C. Santamarina, Self-assembled Nanoparticle-Coated Interfaces: Capillary Pressure, Shell Formation and Buckling, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (under review).

Q. Liu, B. Zhao and J.C. Santamarina (2019), Particle Migration and Clogging in Porous Media: A Convergent-Flow Microfluidics Study, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(9), 9495-9504.

Q. Liu, Z. Sun and J.C. Santamarina (2019), Transport and Adsorption of Silica Nanoparticles in Carbonate Reservoirs: Sand Column Study, Energy&Fuels, 33, 5, 4009-4016

Q. Liu and J. C. Santamarina. Mudcake Growth: Model and Implications. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 162 (2018): 251-259.

B. Zhao, Q. Liu and J.C. Santamarina, Particle migration and clogging in radial flow-a microfluidics study, Proceedings of International Symposium: Micro to MACRO Mathematical Modeling in Soil Mechanics, Reggio Calabria, Italy, 2018

J.C. Santamarina and Q. Liu, Energy GeoEngineering: Wells, International Symposium on Coastal and Offshore Geotechnics & International Conference on Geo-Energy and Geo-Environmental (ISCOG &GeGe 2017), Hangzhou, China, July 2017.


  • PhD student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Tech (2013-2018)
  • MS,  Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Tech (2014)
  • BS, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (2009-2013)