Role of Particle Angularity on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular Mixtures

by Shin, H. And Santamarina, J.
Year: 2013


Shin, H. and Santamarina, J. (2013). "Role of Particle Angularity on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular Mixtures." J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 139(2), 353-355.


​Particle shape affects the mechanical behavior of soils, including packing density, stiffness, volume change during shear, and strength. Laboratory experiments conducted to study the mechanical response of sand mixtures made of round and angular grains show an increase in void ratio, small strain shear modulus Gmax (constant fabric), oedometric compressibility CC (fabric changes), and friction angle but a decrease in lateral stress coefficient k0 as the mass fraction of angular particles increases. These results reflect variations in particle mobility and highlight the relative role of contact stiffness versus fabric changes.


Particle shape Mixture Coefficient of earth pressure at rest Shear wave velocity Compressibility.